[Translators-l] How should I translate "the Board"?

mathieu stumpf guntz psychoslave at culture-libre.org
Thu Jan 26 14:47:15 UTC 2017

Le 26/01/2017 à 12:02, Vi to a écrit :
> For Italian I use "board" and "membro del board/componente del board 
> [board member]".
I strongly disagree with such a practice. To my mind it might give the 
feeling that only English can be used when it comes to talk about the 
most formal part of our movement. That is, crossing the line between 
English as a practical tool of international communication and English 
as a tool of imperialism destroying language diversity.

I hope no-one will wrongly interpret me here. I have no problem with 
loanwords for a concept which is specific, for example "shérif" is fine. 
And if it would happen that "trustee" is as specific as is "sheriff", I 
wouldn't mind a loanword.

But in the case of "board", there is certainly no lake of equivalent 
whether in French, or in Italian as far as I know. To my mind, this is 
unnecessarily opaque term for non-English speakers that we should avoid 
while we are in outreach activity. Sure when we are "between us" it's 
less problematic regarding cross-comprehension directly involved 
locutors. But it creates bad habits we will likely reproduce when new 
comers are around, which is problematic in regards to our openness 


> Vito
> 2017-01-26 11:01 GMT+01:00 mathieu stumpf guntz 
> <psychoslave at culture-libre.org <mailto:psychoslave at culture-libre.org>>:
>     Le 25/01/2017 à 18:17, Guillaume Paumier a écrit :
>>     Hi,
>>     It is indeed referring to the Board of Trustees. Another common
>>     translation that I've seen for "Board" in French is "Conseil
>>     d'administration".
>     Well, that's sound less whimsical to my mind. Now as it seems
>     Trustee <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trustee> is a word with a
>     precise legal definition in common law
>     <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_law>, and I don't know if
>     there is any really good transposable term in a civil law
>     <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civil_law_%28legal_system%29>
>     terminology. In French, it seems that depending on context you
>     might also use "curateur", "fidéicommisaire".
>     So from a legal point of view, I must admit I don't know what
>     would be the most appropriate, but from what I'm accustomed to
>     hear, "Conseil d’adminstration" seems the less odd.
>>     Le 25 janv. 2017 06:08, "mathieu stumpf guntz"
>>     <psychoslave at culture-libre.org
>>     <mailto:psychoslave at culture-libre.org>> a écrit :
>>         I'm working on this:
>>         https://meta.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=Special:Translate&group=agg-2017_Wikimedia_movement_strategy_process&language=eo&filter=%21translated&action=translate
>>         <https://meta.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=Special:Translate&group=agg-2017_Wikimedia_movement_strategy_process&language=eo&filter=%21translated&action=translate>
>>         where "Board" is a recurring term.
>>         I guess that it is referring to the board of trustees
>>         <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Board_of_trustees>. Am I wrong?
>>         If not, in the previous link, translations are rather parse
>>         in their meaning (as far as I can say):
>>           * Kuratorium
>>           * Consejo directivo
>>           * Zuzendaritza Batzordea
>>           * Comité des sages
>>           * Rada Powiernicza
>>           * Conselho Diretivo
>>         I translated "trustees" it in Esperanto to "kuratoro" (you
>>         find the same roots in the German translation), and "board of
>>         trustees" as "kuratoraro" (group of "kuratoro"), but "board"
>>         alone as "estraro" (group of leader/boss/chief).
>>         Any comment is welcome.
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