[Translators-l] How should I translate "the Board"?
Vi to
vituzzu.wiki at gmail.com
Thu Jan 26 11:02:26 UTC 2017
For Italian I use "board" and "membro del board/componente del board [board
2017-01-26 11:01 GMT+01:00 mathieu stumpf guntz <
psychoslave a culture-libre.org>:
> Le 25/01/2017 à 18:17, Guillaume Paumier a écrit :
> Hi,
> It is indeed referring to the Board of Trustees. Another common
> translation that I've seen for "Board" in French is "Conseil
> d'administration".
> Well, that's sound less whimsical to my mind. Now as it seems Trustee
> <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trustee> is a word with a precise legal
> definition in common law <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_law>, and
> I don't know if there is any really good transposable term in a civil law
> <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civil_law_%28legal_system%29> terminology.
> In French, it seems that depending on context you might also use "curateur",
> "fidéicommisaire".
> So from a legal point of view, I must admit I don't know what would be the
> most appropriate, but from what I'm accustomed to hear, "Conseil
> d’adminstration" seems the less odd.
> Le 25 janv. 2017 06:08, "mathieu stumpf guntz" <
> psychoslave a culture-libre.org> a écrit :
> I'm working on this:
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=Special:Transla
> te&group=agg-2017_Wikimedia_movement_strategy_process&
> language=eo&filter=%21translated&action=translate
> where "Board" is a recurring term.
> I guess that it is referring to the board of trustees
> <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Board_of_trustees>. Am I wrong?
> If not, in the previous link, translations are rather parse in their
> meaning (as far as I can say):
> - Kuratorium
> - Consejo directivo
> - Zuzendaritza Batzordea
> - Comité des sages
> - Rada Powiernicza
> - Conselho Diretivo
> I translated "trustees" it in Esperanto to "kuratoro" (you find the same
> roots in the German translation), and "board of trustees" as "kuratoraro"
> (group of "kuratoro"), but "board" alone as "estraro" (group of
> leader/boss/chief).
> Any comment is welcome.
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