[Translators-l] Translation request for turning on the Page Previews feature on the second group of Wikipedias
Philippe Verdy
verdy_p at wanadoo.fr
Thu Apr 13 18:10:00 UTC 2017
Well it still does not help at all the small communities if all they can do
is translate only from English and not some other major secondary language
they know and use regularly.
It's a fact that French is blocked with the yellow message when saving...
2017-04-13 17:44 GMT+02:00 Chris Koerner <ckoerner at wikimedia.org>:
> Hello,
> I didn't wish to waste translators time by translating into a language we
> wouldn't use in this round of reaching out to Wikipedia communities. My
> apologies for any confusion as I was unaware that it would acutely prevent
> - as in stop you from saving - translations to any languages outside the
> list.
> Philippe, I hope you can see by the sheer number of languages I did ask
> for that I had no intent to forbid any language! Thank you for sharing you
> concerns, I appreciate the education in the nuance of language. Sincerely.
> I've removed the check from the box preventing translations.
> Yours,
> Chris Koerner
> Community Liaison - Discovery
> Wikimedia Foundation
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