[Translators-l] Collaboration products newsletter ready for translation
Benoît Evellin (Trizek)
bevellin at wikimedia.org
Tue Oct 11 14:07:16 UTC 2016
Thanks Sylvain. My comments below.
On Mon, Oct 10, 2016 at 11:16 PM, Sylvain Chiron <chironsylvain at orange.fr>
> Le 10/10/2016 à 12:27, Benoît Evellin (Trizek) a écrit :
> > Collaboration products (new) newsletter is ready for translation:
> > *
> > https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Collaboration/Newsletter/
> Issues/October_2016
> > *
> > https://meta.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=Special:
> Translate&group=page-Collaboration%2FNewsletter%2FIssues%2FOctober+2016&
> action=page
> The page, then the direct translation link, please be exhaustive; it’s
> hard to read in itself.
Noted for next time.
> > If you have any question or comment about the translation, please
> > contact me. If you have questions about the newsletter itself, please
> > leave a message on its talk
> > page: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Talk:Collaboration/Newsletter
> I’ve got a few remarks/suggestions about the format of the newsletter.
> * The template looks like the one for the Tech News. When things are
> similar I like them to follow a really identical format.
I've taken the TechNews template and changed it for my purposes. I've tried
to keep it similar as much as I could do.
Please add your comments to the Template talk page to improve that.
> ** The very first sentence has its link on the team instead of the news
> (which lack the bold appearance). I understand you want the
> Collaboration highlighted. I’d be glad to have some adjective to
> represent the team & products (just like ‘tech’) because ‘Collaboration
> products’ do not produce a great effect in French. Then that would solve
> the previous problem too.
How to define the collaboration team is not that easy because of our broad
I've added the concerned products, which may be helpful for readers.
> ** There are fewer links at the bottom? And also $technews as a variable
> — :P.
Good catch. I can't hide the paternity of that newsletter.
> * I’ve got a personal problem with hyphens used like dashes. Please use
> at least an en dash, or a middle dot (in [More information · Help pages]).
> * Your apostrophs aren’t curved…
For the context, that's a *very* regular discussion on French Wikipedia.
I don't know how important that problem is in English language.
I’d also say some more time for doing the translation could help (as
> it’s a bit long…), even though it’s great to be stressed sometimes.
What would be your suggestion? A 5 days to one week delay would help?
> Nice trick anyway.
With your feedback, it will be better! ;)
Thanks a lot,
> Regards,
> --
> Sylvain
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Benoît Evellin (Trizek)
Community Liaison
Wikimedia Foundation
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