[Translators-l] About guideline

Bence Damokos bdamokos at gmail.com
Mon Oct 11 10:54:19 UTC 2010

On Fri, Oct 8, 2010 at 9:58 PM, Casey Brown <lists at caseybrown.org> wrote:

> 2010/10/8 SongJason <songchuning at hotmail.com>:
> > I am Jason and I am translating Wiki-guideline into Chinese. I have
> > translated to page 7, there are directions according to the Wiki-homepage
> in
> > English. and I suddenly have an idea: What if we capture various home
> page
> > according to each language? I consider that may be easier for those who
> > don't understand English to understand instructions. But I don't know how
> to
> > make picture inclined like the original version of the guideline do. What
> do
> > you say? Will you offer assistence? Thank you!
> I think localizations like this (as opposed to just translations) are
> welcomed by the Outreach team.  You should probably feel free to tweak
> the "Wiki Guidelines" so it makes sense for Chinese projects.  The
> Hungarian version did that too:
> <
> http://outreach.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:Welcome2WP_Hung.pdf&page=7
> >

As for the Hungarian version, I am a total newbie to Photoshop, so I didn't
reproduce the 3D rotation or whatever of the original English (it has a
perpective effect to look like an object in space). What I did was, simply
rotate a screenshot of huwiki by 15 degrees and it looks kinda similar in
the end but without the 3D feel.

(I don't know how familiar you got with Scribus during the translation, but
if you switch to the "Background" layer, right click on the screenshot and
click on "Get image.." you can change the English screenshot to your Chinese
ones. You will probably also need to move around the original arrows and
word bubbles, but that is fine. the arrows are designed so that they can be
stretched or shrinked without looking uglier for it.)

Best regards,

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