[Translators-l] Automated translation not working?
Philippe Verdy
verdy_p at wanadoo.fr
Mon Apr 17 11:17:37 UTC 2017
You did not specify which source page are you trying to translate, and on
which wiki.... Then we can look at the target of your translation attempt.
Your provided this link:
But the German Wikipedia does not have any page named "Biniai Nou hypogea".
You are probably trying to find this page on the wrong wiki ! Translations
are made wiki by wiki, but are enabled essentially on multilingual wikis
(such as Commons, or Meta), not on Wikipedia (translations of pages between
separate editions of Wikipedia cannot use the same tools)
2017-04-17 9:26 GMT+02:00 Bjoern Hassler <bjohas+mw at gmail.com>:
> Hi Philippe,
> many thanks.
> Do you mean e.g. on https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spezial:Inhalts%C3%
> BCbersetzung ? I don't see a yellow box? There is "Von einer beliebigen
> Sprache / In eine beliebige Sprache", but that lists English/German in both.
> In any case - are you basically saying that English <-> German could be
> enabled?
> Many thanks!
> Bjoern
> On 16 April 2017 at 21:38, Philippe Verdy <verdy_p at wanadoo.fr> wrote:
>> This is displayed in the top header (yellow box) which lsits the
>> "proiritized" languages. Anyway there's another setting (not displayed)
>> that disallow other translations (this was discussed recently when someone
>> created a page to translate ONLY in minority languages, exclusing all other
>> major languages than the source English).
>> Experience shows that (espacially for minory languages that very few
>> translators available, many of them not being very fluent in English) we
>> need to always enable other languages thant English to help disambiguate
>> the English source so that translators for minority languages can see
>> translations proposed in other major languages and that are better
>> reviewed, in order to provide better translations not just based on the
>> English source but also on what they can better read and understand in
>> another language.
>> I must confess that I see no reason to exclude any language (except old
>> compatibility languages whose use is no longer recommanded, and which may
>> be configured globally, only if there's other choices of language codes:
>> those compatibility codes will finally be redirected to new ones or locked
>> down).
>> And for the ~15 major languages of the world (that are used as lingua
>> francas for regional or national interchanges) they should never be
>> disabled (notably because they are already used as fallback languages for
>> missing translations in minority languages). For a list of fallback
>> languages (that should never be disabled), see for example what is
>> implemented in Commons and MetaWiki; this is more than just English which
>> is only the last-chance fallback ! The list of fallbacks was first
>> implemtend as templates ,then as modules, and now as part of global wiki
>> configuration (and part now of MediaWiki itself with its API).
>> 2017-04-16 13:15 GMT+02:00 Bjoern Hassler <bjohas+mw at gmail.com>:
>>> Thanks! How do I find out which language pairs are enabled?
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