[Translators-l] Ready for early translation: Tech News bulletin #23 (2014)
Philippe Verdy
verdy_p at wanadoo.fr
Sat May 31 07:14:43 UTC 2014
You're right, most users don't have access to this hidden Special:Page (I
don't know why it is for admins only, ).
So this should be changed into
"Users with Admnistrator right can now add pages to their watchlist
<https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:Watchlist> directly on
<https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:UnwatchedPages>, without having to
leave the page."
I wonder if i'ts worth to keep it in Tech/News only for about several
hundreds admins (all wikis) or just a few ones (most wikis), that don't
care much about these news, and in fact monitor edits on wikis with more
global tools, and specific reporting bots that don't need MediaWiki to
watch/unwatch large lists of pages.
However there's still a need for all users to help them manage their watch
My own list have more thousands pages : I don't monitor individual changes
but I use the watchlist to help consult the history, or because MediaWiki
will notify me online on each wiki; I don't want to receive email
notifications though, because there are really too many and this would spam
my mailbox with hundreds of changes each day... in the last couple days I
have received more than 2000 notifications (sic!!!!) by mail ***only from
Meta*** and this continues — of course I won't pass hours checking all of
them as I cannot be as fast as this volume : most of these notifications
coming from the FuzzyBot when pages are moved but also each time review a
translated page and just click on the approve button without changing
Notifications about watched pages need to be reworked and they should also
be grouped to avoid sending one mail per notification notably in FuzzyBot
when a translated page with many units is moved as this sends several
hundreds of emails. In fact I would appreciate if these notifications were
grouped by contributor and paced down : these notifications can be delayed
for about one hour. And there should also be a way to not receive all these
notifications but just one saying that I have *some* notifications pointing
to a special page listing them all with a way to sort it (essentially by
user) and to mark those that I have read and want to discard, just like I
can sort and mark emails in my mailbox.
All this should be integrated in MediaWiki within a "Special:Inbox" listing
all "Echo" notifications and probably later should work as if it was a
email box with folders (and a way to sort notifs in these folders using
some custom filters, or manuallly like by moving one or more notifs
manually into another folder). And this page should also be used for
messages in our talk page using one of the proposed extensions
(LiquidThread or other). This would become our local on-wiki mailbox (and
ideally we should be able to redirect messages from one wiki to the managed
mailbox of another, using some predefined filters; or send a single
notification from one wiki to another stating that it there are
notifications on another wiki,to inform us that there are someting there :
this would save our regular mailbox and would reduce a lot the volume of
emails sent by Wikimedia).
And may be in the future, Wikiemdia will work like a social network with
groups, applications, a customized wall, integrating also our own activity
on Wikimedia... Users could subscribe some threads of notifications for
various projects (and it would be fun of notifications were using a RSS
format (after all notifications are not editable pages, they are threads
coming from various sources and all we need is to subbscribe/unscribe
them). We could monitor this way changes from lots of places (not just in
Wikis, but also in Bugzilla, blogs, and MassMessage...).
2014-05-31 6:24 GMT+02:00 Vira Motorko <vira.motorko at gmail.com>:
> Hello,
> You can now add pages to your watchlist
>> <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:Watchlist> directly on
>> Special:UnwatchedPages
>> <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:UnwatchedPages>, without having
>> to leave the page.
>> (https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Translations:Tech/News/2014/23/10/en)
> I think it will be useful to add that this special page is for admins
> only.
> 2014-05-31 2:40 GMT+03:00 Tomasz W. Kozłowski <twkozlowski at gmail.com>:
>> Hi!
>> The latest issue of the Tech News bulletin is ready for early
>> translation at:
>> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Tech/News/2014/23
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