[Translators-l] TOU notice
Siebrand Mazeland
s.mazeland at xs4all.nl
Thu Apr 26 20:33:56 UTC 2012
Op 26 apr. 2012 om 22:08 heeft KIZU Naoko <aphaia at gmail.com> het volgende geschreven:
> re: word order
>> Snip
> Even it looks awkward and unsophisticated, for assuring better
> internationalization, it would have better to put the whole wikified
> message into one sole MediaWiki message, since the grammatical word
> order, say, syntax, is widely varied among different natural
> languages.
Indeed. Patchwork messages[1] are highly discouraged in software localisation, and in these types of text probably even more so. Every time it is used, at least one sad kitten dies[2].
[1] http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/I18n#Avoid_patchwork_messages
[2] <http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQKPilEx4C8HN2qUPq9Iorv1rMV_oqE8gsfxiiz0TOtOXgfL_EHng>
Siebrand Mazeland
M: +31 6 50 69 1239
Skype: siebrand
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