[Translators-l] Please test the Second 2011 Editor Survey
Ayush Khanna
akhanna at wikimedia.org
Fri Dec 9 22:34:01 UTC 2011
Thanks for catching that! I fixed it :)
Re: French Wikipedia, the survey does indeed seem to be live. One possible
reason you are not seeing it, might be because the banner is set to be
displayed only once. If this issue persists, please send me a mail off-list.
Ayush Khanna
Data Analyst, Global Development
Wikimedia Foundation
415.839.6885 x6805
On Fri, Dec 9, 2011 at 2:30 PM, Béria Lima <beria.lima at wikimedia.pt> wrote:
> There are a error in the survey: In the 1st page (I belive) where they ask
> the country you live, there are the option "PortugUal". Someone please
> remove that U that should not be there ;) ;)
> _____
> *Béria Lima*
> Wikimedia Portugal <http://wikimedia.pt>
> (351) 963 953 042
> *Imagine um mundo onde é dada a qualquer pessoa a possibilidade de ter
> livre acesso ao somatório de todo o conhecimento humano. Ajude-nos a
> construir esse sonho. <http://wikimedia.pt/Donativos>*
> On 9 December 2011 22:17, Ayush Khanna <akhanna at wikimedia.org> wrote:
>> Let me investigate this issue. I would urge you to take the survey from
>> Wikipedia, vs. using this link.
>> I will post an update about this issue. Thanks!
>> Ayush Khanna
>> Data Analyst, Global Development
>> Wikimedia Foundation
>> 415.839.6885 x6805
>> On Fri, Dec 9, 2011 at 2:10 PM, Béria Lima <beria.lima at wikimedia.pt>wrote:
>>> *Where is the survey live ? I've not seen it active anywhere on
>>>> MediaWiki sites.
>>>> *
>>> The survey was taken down for some reason today afternoon, but the link
>>> to the french one is:
>>> https://wikimedia.qualtrics.com/SE/?SID=SV_eFdcdJKYBHiGnR2&RecipientLanguage=FR&lang=fr
>>> _____
>>> *Béria Lima*
>>> Wikimedia Portugal <http://wikimedia.pt>
>>> (351) 963 953 042
>>> *Imagine um mundo onde é dada a qualquer pessoa a possibilidade de ter
>>> livre acesso ao somatório de todo o conhecimento humano. Ajude-nos a
>>> construir esse sonho. <http://wikimedia.pt/Donativos>*
>>> On 9 December 2011 21:36, Philippe Verdy <verdy_p at wanadoo.fr> wrote:
>>>> 2011/12/9 Vincent Primault <vincent.primault at gmail.com>:
>>>> > It seems there is a problem on the french survey. In the section about
>>>> > competences, I see the "Sur une échelle de 0 à 10 avec 0 pour PAS
>>>> > TOUT et 10 pour EXTRÊMEMENT BONNES, comment évalueriez-vous vos
>>>> propres
>>>> > performances pour contribuer au mouvement Wikimedia ?" question two
>>>> times.
>>>> > Has a question not been translated correctly (copy/past) or does the
>>>> second
>>>> > question not exist at all?
>>>> >
>>>> > There are alors some sentences which does not sound like fluent
>>>> french,
>>>> This is fluent French, even though you may not like the way it is
>>>> formulated, and want to review it.
>>>> > but
>>>> > there is a big mistake on the survey homepage. The last sentence "Si
>>>> vous
>>>> > avez toutes questions au sujet de cette enquête ou des préoccupations
>>>> au
>>>> > sujet de la confidentialité, soyez libre de bien vouloir contacter
>>>> l’équipe
>>>> > en charge de conduire cette enquête : survey at wikimedia.org" must be
>>>> > something like "Si vous avez des questions à propos de cette enquête
>>>> ou des
>>>> > préoccupations au sujet de la confidentialité, n'hésitez pas à
>>>> contacter
>>>> > l’équipe en charge de la conduite de cette enquête :
>>>> survey at wikimedia.org".
>>>> Edit and change it if you want. There's no problem to improve the
>>>> translation. But don't say it was not made by a non-fluent. You should
>>>> have looked at the history and would have seen all the translations I
>>>> did on Meta or elsewhere. I'm French, live in France, French is my
>>>> native language, and I made that carefully, even though there is no
>>>> "BIG MISTAKE", that's only a question of style.
>>>> > Le vendredi 9 décembre 2011 à 10:27, Amir E. Aharoni a écrit :
>>>> >
>>>> > 2011/12/9 Ayush Khanna <akhanna at wikimedia.org>:
>>>> >
>>>> > Hello everyone,
>>>> >
>>>> > Thanks a lot for the feedback. We have included all the
>>>> translation-related
>>>> > changes for most of the languages. The survey is now live on the
>>>> Arabic,
>>>> > German, Spanish, French, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Polish,
>>>> Portuguese,
>>>> > Russian, Chinese (Simplified) and Chinese Traditional. English will
>>>> launch
>>>> > on Monday, as I mentioned earlier.
>>>> Where is the survey live ? I've not seen it active anywhere on
>>>> MediaWiki sites.
>>>> > I don't see any of the updates i made yesterday to the Hebrew
>>>> > translation at the live site.
>>>> >
>>>> > --
>>>> > Amir Elisha Aharoni · אָמִיר אֱלִישָׁע אַהֲרוֹנִי
>>>> > http://aharoni.wordpress.com
>>>> > “We're living in pieces,
>>>> > I want to live in peace.” – T. Moore
>>>> Are you really French fluent, according to your signature ???
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