[Translators-l] announcement request -
Philippe Lacour
philacour at gmail.com
Wed Jul 7 09:14:28 UTC 2010
*The TraduXio **Project*
*Zanchin NGO (Paris, France)*
*Precise Translation and Multilingual Content Management*
http://traduxio.hypertopic.org (private beta version)
*TraduXio* is a free, open source, web based collaborative environment for
computer assisted translation. Aiming at precision and customization,
instead of approximate mass-translation, it considers linguistic diversity
as a cultural wealth to be cherished and sustained, and not an obstacle to
be overcome.
*TraduXio* has been developed using innovative technology that is especially
suited to tackling the challenges of cultural (non commercial, non
repetitive) texts. Inspired by the strong collaborative spirit of “Web 2.0”,
the platform uses social devices (wikis, forums, networks, etc.) and
promotes the creation of common goods, guided by a logic of pooling (gradual
feeding of the database).
*TraduXio* is original in several ways. Its basic assumption is that one
does not translate from a language to another, but rather from a singular
text to another one. Whereas traditional technologies are limited to two
languages (source/target), *TraduXio*’s concordancer* *enables
the comparison of different versions of the same text in various languages. It
also offers a classification of the source according to the history, genre,
author, etc. This means that information can be easily managed, assessed
and treated.
*TraduXio* is designed to encourage the diversification of language learning
(in particular the learning of a wider range of languages) and to promote a
reappraisal of translation as a professional competence, especially in
research activities. Language students can for instance use the platform to
propose multilingual translations of assigned texts, either individually or
as a group. Language teachers (and/or translation specialists) can easily
supervise the translation through the online interface, propose corrections,
compare different drafts, and also evaluate students' questions and
*TraduXio* is also suited for scholars and Academic Departments,
particularly in Literature and the Social Sciences. Specialists can create
multilingual glossaries or build a dedicated ‘translation memory’ for any
topic or author. Users can manage text privileges (who may read, edit,
translate, administer…), and thus decide which translations (and to which
extent) will be available to the public or remain private.
Traduxio will be presented this summer at a conference near you :
- in Kyoto, Japan, 12-18 July
à on July the 15th (Institut Français),
- in Seoul, Corea, 19-22 July
on July 19th (Korea University)
- in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, July 23-28th
à ‘Found in Translation’ Conference, Mayala University,
- in Beijing, China, July 29th-August 5th
- in Abu Dhabi, EAU, August 6 and 7th
- Pretoria, South Africa, August 9th-22d,
à August 11-12, the « Languages for Africa » conference, Tshwane University
If you are interested and/or have further questions, please contact our
Any Freitas
anyfreitas (at) hotmail (dot) com philacour (at) gmail (dot) com
skype : any_correia_freitas skype: philippe-lacour
+32 487 34 59 78 +32 497 40
89 13
Dr. Philippe Lacour
Post-doctoral Marie Curie Fellow
Université Libre de Bruxelles
Centre Marc Bloch Berlin
CNRS - USR 3130
Adresse personnelle :
23 Rue de la vallée
1050 Bruxelles
Tel: 0032 (0) 497 40 89 13
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