No subject
Fri Dec 10 13:58:20 UTC 2010
strating and disappointing experience. Despite my best efforts we did not r=
eceive a completely translated central banner in Welsh and clicking on the =
central banner never took us to the Welsh language version of the donation =
landing page, at least for the vast majority of cy users, those living in t=
he UK.
To describe in detail:
Translation links for translators
This year you decided not to include translation links from the central not=
ice to meta because this was drawing people away from the donation link. I'=
m not taking issue with that decision. As you know the disadvantage of this=
is that potential translators do not know where to translate, which is pot=
entially aggravating for those users (of which more below). One way of miti=
gating this difficulty would have been to post on the community page an inv=
itation and link to the translation tab of the Fundraiser 2010 hub, specifi=
cally inviting users to translate, when the campaign went permanently live.=
Assuming that the central banner will lack the translation links next year=
too I recommend you do this next year.
The link to the fundraiser translation which was included as a banner on me=
ta was very useful by the way - please can we have this next year too.
Eleri James
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<table cellspacing=3D"0" cellpadding=3D"0" border=3D"0" ><tr><td valign=3D"=
top" style=3D"font: inherit;">My last post was not archived, so this is the=
same post broken down into parts, in case it is the length of the message =
which is preventing archiving. This is a copy of a message responding to th=
e Thank You posting earlier this month.<br><br>From my point of view the tr=
anslation of the fundraiser 2010 was a very frustrating and disappointing e=
xperience. Despite my best efforts we did not receive a completely translat=
ed central banner in Welsh and clicking on the central banner never took us=
to the Welsh language version of the donation landing page, at least for t=
he vast majority of cy users, those living in the UK.<br><br>To describe in=
detail:<br><br>Translation links for translators<br>This year you decided =
not to include translation links from the central notice to meta because th=
is was drawing people away from the donation link. I'm not taking issue wit=
that decision. As you know the disadvantage of this is that potential tran=
slators do not know where to translate, which is potentially aggravating fo=
r those users (of which more below). One way of mitigating this difficulty =
would have been to post on the community page an invitation and link to the=
translation tab of the Fundraiser 2010 hub, specifically inviting users to=
translate, when the campaign went permanently live. Assuming that the cent=
ral banner will lack the translation links next year too I recommend you do=
this next year.<br><br>The link to the fundraiser translation which was in=
cluded as a banner on meta was very useful by the way - please can we have =
this next year too.<br><br>Eleri James<br><br><br></td></tr></table><br>=0A=
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