[Translators-l] Fundraiser messages for Welsh
Philippe Beaudette
pbeaudette at wikimedia.org
Sun Dec 5 17:11:27 UTC 2010
Casey is correct. The current plan is to roll out a "batch" of editors. We'll be putting out a request for the second one very shortly. Tomorrow, most likely.
Philippe Beaudette
Head of Reader Relations
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On Dec 5, 2010, at 6:20 AM, Casey Brown wrote:
> On Sun, Dec 5, 2010 at 3:40 AM, Bojan Jankuloski
> <bjankuloski at hotmail.com> wrote:
>> The Macedonian (mk, Македонски) translation of Kartika's appeal is finished
>> and marked as Ready. Here it is:
>> http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Fundraising_2010/Editor_Appeals/mk
> Thanks, Bojan, but we're not ready to start publishing those yet, from
> what I've heard. Thank you for translating it very quickly! Don't
> worry, it'll get published. :-)
> --
> Casey Brown
> Cbrown1023
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