[Translators-l] Urgent translation request: Media participation survey

V S Rawat vsrawat at gmail.com
Wed Oct 21 18:05:32 UTC 2009

On 10/21/2009 2:00 PM India Time, _Guillaume Paumier_ wrote:

> Dear fellow translators,
> I come to you to request your help to translate the Media participation 
> survey 2009; It is organized by the team from the Multimedia Usability 
> project; it aims to better understand how people use Commons and how to 
> make it easier to contribute multimedia content to Wikimedia websites.
> We plan to run the survey before the 2009 Fundraiser. To be included in 
> the survey, a translation must be completed before 08:00 am, Sunday 25 
> October (UTC). As a translator myself, I designed the survey so that it 
> be easy and quick to translate: there are only 11 simple questions, and 
> many answers are similar. However, I know the deadline is very short, 
> and I apologize deeply. I will be very grateful even if only a few 
> languages are available.
> The translation request is located at 
> http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Media_participation_survey .

The above page has no survey questions in it.

> I already 
> did the French translation myself.

But the above french page /fr does have questions in line.

What is the mystery. How to get the questions in English to translate them?

That would be English > Hindi by me. 

> If you have any question about the survey, or if you are unsure about 
> the meaning of something, please do not hesitate to contact me, 
> preferably by e-mail or IRC (I'm guillom there), but talk page is ok too.
> Many thanks in advance for your help!

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