[Translators-l] MediaWiki 1.12 about to be branched: please give localisation a push
Siebrand Mazeland
s.mazeland at xs4all.nl
Sun Feb 17 23:39:59 UTC 2008
Hi Michael,
English is the source language, so that is always at 100% translated.
Because it still is a localisation, it has its place in the localisation
statistics. This does not mean that it has the highest quality. We regularly
find errors and typos in it and fix them. The English localisation is
usually made by developers and they are not always the best writers of User
Interface messages, as you may have noticed. ;)
About 10% of the localisations are being maintained outide Betawiki.
English, and German are among those. The other 8 languages I reported on are
being maintained in Betawiki. You can find a list as complete as possible on
I reported on the 10 languages with the largest Wikipedias as a teaser and
linked to the Group stats for a complete overview. I am kind of hoping the
Spanish translators will finally get the hint ;) I also mentioned my report
on localisation. I am planning on writing that 2-3 more times this year.
That will most definately not focus on Wikipedia and it's largest language
My previous email does in no way mean that Upper Sorbian (or any other
language with an almost complete localisation) would have a localisation of
lower quality. To the contrary. Maintenance for Upper Sorbian (but also for
Arabic, Occitan, and Slovenian) has been excellent over the past few months
and in the list of 300+ supported languages, it is among the languages that
have the most complete localisation. Credit where credit's due, but now I am
not mentioning another 70 or so languages for which people are also making
an effort; they have just not finished yet.
However, my mail would have gotten too long if I had mentioned each and
every aspect of what we as the Betawiki community are doing for MediaWiki
localisation. I do hope you understand.
Cheers! Siebrand
-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: translators-l-bounces at lists.wikimedia.org
[mailto:translators-l-bounces at lists.wikimedia.org] Namens Michael Wolf
Verzonden: zondag 17 februari 2008 21:35
Aan: Wikimedia Translators
Onderwerp: Re: [Translators-l] MediaWiki 1.12 about to be branched: please
give localisation a push
100%? They have been translated outside Betwaiki, am I right?
English? Did anybody translate from English into English? It isn't fair
to include it into statistics.
The 10 largest Wikipedias. Alwasy still the largest ones. :-( There are
some small Wikipedias that have been localized very well, too. ;-)
Kind regards
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