[Translators-l] [Web community] Invitation to join Wiki-translation
Desilets, Alain
Alain.Desilets at nrc-cnrc.gc.ca
Mon Nov 5 17:45:23 UTC 2007
Thank you Aphaia...
Just a minor correction:
> Before his own words, let me introduce Alain (some of you may know him
> as a professional translator or WikiSym organizer).
> He is a Canadian translator and gave a talk at the last Wikimania,
> where we met in my Birds of Feather about translation on and around
> wiki.
I'm actually NOT a translator. I do know a lot about how
translators work and think because as part of my research, I
will frequently do contextual interviews with translators
(i.e. sit beside them while they do their regular work, and
ask them lots of annoying questions about what they are doing
and why).
I will take the fact that I was confused for an actual
professional translator as a compliment and as an indication
that I did my homework well ;-).
Alain Désilets, National Research Council of Canada Chair,
WikiSym 2007
2007 International Symposium on Wikis
Wikis at Work in the World:
Open, Organic, Participatory Media for the 21st Century
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