[Translators-l] Election Translation

Walter Vermeir walter at wikipedia.be
Sat Jun 23 20:00:46 UTC 2007

Aphaia schreef:
> Currently we see 17 candidates. All submitted approx. 1200 character
> length statement.

Now 18, + Frieda. And she proves that a very late candidacy does not
have to be a problem to be able to get the edormensments.

> Today, the last day of the candidate accpetance,  almost complete sets
> of candidate statements are available in some languages already.
> That is, Czech, French, German, Spanish, Dutch and Norwegian.
> Proofread of those language versions will be welcome.

All the work that is done to those translations is nice. But I am unsure
of the are read.

This mainly because you need to select manually the language version and
somehow I have the feeling that nearly all users who go to meta also
understand more or less English.

I think more use of those translation can be done and exposure to the
target language community.

I suggest to send after the closing of the endorsements the translations
as an email to the different language mailing lists.

Because of the many statements it must be done in several editions
otherwise the become to long.

This could be done as a communication under the flag of the Election

For who likes ASCII-art, (like me);

 ______ _           _    _____
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Contact: walter AT wikizine DOT org
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