[Mediawiki-i18n] MediaWiki Language Extension Bundle 2013.06 release
Amir E. Aharoni
amir.aharoni at mail.huji.ac.il
Sat Jun 29 22:40:45 UTC 2013
I would like to announce the release of MediaWiki language extension
bundle 2013.06.
* https://translatewiki.net/mleb/MediaWikiLanguageExtensionBundle-2013.06.tar.bz2
* sha256sum: 6df32382ddec91ab61e3e74f2ede6c043220d5c1252ee3baf8efd1d6403b4d82
Quick links:
* Installation instructions are at https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MLEB
* Announcements of new releases will be posted to a mailing list:
* Report bugs to https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org
* Talk with us at #mediawiki-i18n @ freenode
Release notes for each extension are below.
Amir E. Aharoni
== Babel ==
Only localization updates.
== cldr ==
Initial support for CLDR currency was added.
== CleanChanges ==
Only localization updates.
== LocalisationUpdate ==
The default values for $wgLocalisationUpdateCoreURL and
$wgLocalisationUpdateExtensionURL were changed to point
to Wikimedia's new Git repo server https://git.wikimedia.org .
== Translate ==
* The option to hide the MediaWiki sidebar while translating was added
* Translations identical to the current translation are not suggested
any more from translation memory
* Suggestion in the source language is no more shown in the "in other
languages" section
* Edit section links are not shown anymore for translation pages
* Only local files can now be upload using Special:ImportTranslations
* Groups that are not marked as a priority for the current language
are not shown in Special:LanguageStats
== UniversalLanguageSelector ==
== Highlights ==
The feature of showing the ULS trigger as a cog icon in the sidebar
was completed. Many other bugs were fixed.
Internet Explorer 6 and 7 (and newer if they are in compatibility
mode) are explicitly not supported.
== Notable feature changes ==
* ULS is completely disabled in browsers that don't run JavaScript.
* Several bugs in the font and language selection panels were fixed.
* The functionality of the Cancel and Apply buttons in the keyboard
selection panel were clarified: Apply saves the settings and closes
the panel and Cancel undoes the changes.
* The wiki content language is now the default language for input methods
* Bugs in several input methods were fixed.
== Font changes ==
* Added: UnifrakturMaguntia, Linux Libertine, Charis SIL, Doulos SIL
* Lohit Tamil is updated to 2.5.3
* System font is now the default font for Tamil
== Notable design changes ==
* Button style is updated according to the MediaWiki Agora style.
* Smooth scrolling is used on every change in display.
* A floating tooltip ("Tipsy") in used on the "Language settings" trigger
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