[Mediawiki-i18n] [E3-team] why is jquery.localize undocumented and little used?

Matthew Flaschen mflaschen at wikimedia.org
Mon Aug 19 21:28:52 UTC 2013

On 08/17/2013 10:28 AM, Amir E. Aharoni wrote:
> I imagine that mw.msg provides more features, such as plural and
> gender, and that makes it closer to the server-side i18n, but Niklas
> may know better.
> In any case, if it's deprecated, it should be documented.

Despite the misleading name, jquery.localize is MediaWiki-specific.  It
has a hard-dependency on mw.msg.  Since it uses msg rather than message,
I believe means it always uses .text() (the default format of mw.msg),
but it should pick up jqueryMsg if present.


I like the idea of jquery.localize, but I haven't used it in practice.

Matt Flaschen

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