[Wikiur-l] EN Wikizine - Anno Domini MMIX Week III Number CIV

Saqib Saud wisesabre at gmail.com
Thu Jan 15 12:37:11 UTC 2009


           Happy Wikipedia-day!

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Anno Domini MMIX  Week III  Number CIV


=== Technical news ===

[Upload size] - The maximum allowed upload size of files in increased
from 20 megabytes to 100 megabytes. That is especially important for
Commons that now can receive more easy video. Brion says there is now
48 terabyte of storage space for the media. 5 terabyte is used

[Time zone] - in the user preferences, section "Date and time", is
there now an option to select your location. This way the correct
local time can be used automatically.

=== Request for help ===

[Wikimania] - volunteers are requested for taking care of the
scholarship applications that will come for next Wikimania.

=== Foundation ===

[  $:)  ] - The WMF succeeded in collecting the 6 million dollar in
the fundraiser.  According to the WMF more then 130,000 donors from
around the world are responsible for that result.  4 million of the 6
came from small donations, the rest from major sponsors. After the
very successful request for donations by Jimmy Wales is the "thank
you" message now also presented by Jimmy. The WMF has now the funding
to carry out all the plans for 2009.
http://tech.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=08/12/31/1315209 -- some /.
discussion about it

[Wikimania 2009] - We knew next Wikimania would be in Argentina,
Buenos Aires. Now we also know it will take place on August 26th, 27th
and 28th.

[Steward election] - A new steward election is coming up. The first
candidates have already showed up. Confirmation of the current
stewards will also take place.  It is supposed to start on the first
of February.

[Board update] - the term of 3 board members; Jimmy Wales, Jan-Bart de
Vreede, and Stu West expired end of 2008. The terms of all 3 are
renewed by the board. Work is in process to select a couple of other
people to join to board by appointment. Being a WMF-board member is an
unpaid position. (some media suggested otherwise recently)

[Job openings] - the WMF is looking for 3 persons to work on the
"Wikipedia Usability Initiative" in San Francisco.

[Advisory board] - A new member is added to the WMF advisory board,
Roger McNamee. For some reason the blog "The Register" finds that
interesting. But this item is more to remind that such a thing as the
WMF Advisory board actually exist.

=== Agenda ===

[Wikipedia Day] - it is again 15 January, Wikipedia Day, Wikipedia's
most important holiday. On this day we remember the eviction of the
seed of the project from the late Nupedia encyclopedia project and
birth of Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, under this name as an
independent project.
The oldest of all projects is now just only 8 years old .... and is
also the 8th most popular website globally. Applause.

=== Community ===

[Year in review] - also EN Wikinews made an overview of the news of
the year 2008. And there is also a News Quiz of the year 2008 to see
how short term your memory is.
http://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Wikinews:Dynamic_quiz/quiz/2009/01 -- quiz

[ZH Wikinews] - the Chinese wikinews is reported to be blocked in
China. EN WIkinews is not blocked.

=== Awards ===

[Knight Anthere] - the French National Order of Merit has been awarded
by President Sarkozy of France to [[w:fr:User:Anthere]] (Florence
Devouard).  She received the rank of knight as "chair of an
international foundation" (= WMF).

=== Media ===

[Jimbo gossip] - the story has come up that Jimmy Wales was not longer
a WMF-board member. The term for the seat on the board of Jimmy did
indeed expired end of 2008. But his term is extended as usual by the
board. Jimmy Wales was and is a WMF board member and Chair Emeritus of
the WMF.

[Bad edit]  - one year ago (2008-01-18) some anonymous  user added
some POV-info to the Dutch language edition of the Mohamed article (an
edit that was reverted one minute later). The edit was done by people
working for the Dutch justice department. Several large newspapers in
the Netherlands and Belgium have now one year later reported this
event as "news". In the meantime is discovered that the bureaucrats
who did the edit where punished by there superiors by blocking access
to Wikipedia for 2 months. A block that was lifted later because the
need Wikipedia for there work.

=== Stats ===

[Wikigeits] - [[user:Tookam]] has created Wikigeits. It is an attempt
to build the Wikipedia equivalent of Google's Hot Trends. It tracks,
aggregates, ranks and reports the page views on en.wikipedia.org.

[Survey results] - A personal survey was handed out to many of the
attendees at Wikimania 2008. These are the results of that survey.

# The Simple English Wikipedia has reached 50,000 articles.
# The Old Belarusian Wikipedia has reached 15,000 articles.

=== Other news ===

[Wikizine licence] - for compatibility with Wikinews has changed
Wikizine by request its license. This newsletter is from this edition
on, in all versions, dual licensed GNU/FDL and also Creative Commons
Attribution 2.5 Generic License.

[VisualWikipedia] - A website that provides as the say themselves "a
visual, intuitive, and interactive web interface to encyclopedic

=== Quote ===

Max Planck: May I ask you a very serious question? What if God were to
say you were mistaken? If he said "Stop. Newton is right"?
Albert Einstein: Then I would thank God for his POV, and we would
agree to differ, and I would be left feeling very sorry for God.


Number of subscribers: 728
Unique Visitors website last year: 22453
Returning Visitors website last year: 800
Editor(s): Bawolff, Walter
ASCII Art: joan stark - ascii-art.com
Contact: reply or http://report.wikizine.org
Website: http://www.wikizine.org

Wikizine.org makes no guarantee of accuracy,
validity and especially but not limited to,
correct grammar and spelling. Satisfaction is not guaranteed.
Wikizine.org is published by [[meta:user:Walter]].
Wikizine is a irregular publication as long as there is noteworthy
news (and time)
Content is available under the GNU Free Documentation License
and also the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Generic License

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