[Wikimedia-ua-announce] Розгляд заявок на річне фінансування / Community review for annual plan grant proposals
Wikimedia Ukraine
director на wikimedia.in.ua
Птн 8 Кві 2016 06:13:49 UTC
Усім привіт!
Розпочався період розгляду заявок на річне фінансування ще 5 організацій.
Можна долучатися, ставити запитання тощо. Серед цих річних планів є і Фонд
Вікімедіа. У листі нижче про це детальніше:
* The Wikimedia Foundation
* Wikimedia Armenia
* Wikimédia France
* Wikimedia Norge
* The Centre for Internet and Society
З повагою,
Наталія Тимків
заступник голови Правління ГО «Вікімедіа Україна»
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Katy Love <klove на wikimedia.org>
Date: 2016-04-07 21:40 GMT+03:00
Subject: [Wikimedia-l] Join the community review for annual plan grant
To: Wikimedia Mailing List <wikimedia-l на lists.wikimedia.org>
Greetings, Wikimedians!
The community review [1] period for this round of the annual plan grants
program [2] is underway. We'd love to have you join the review! Five
movement affiliates have submitted annual plans and budgets. During this
time, the Funds Dissemination Committee (FDC) [3] invites you to review
their submitted plans, ask questions, and offer comments and feedback by
April 30.
The organizations whose proposals, plans and budgets are available for your
review include:
* Wikimedia Armenia
* Wikimédia France
* Wikimedia Norge
* The Centre for Internet and Society
* The Wikimedia Foundation
Review the proposals and offer questions or comments on the discussion pages
: *
In May, the Funds Dissemination Committee will meet to make recommendations
to WMF's Board of Trustees on how to allocate movement funds to these
affiliates in order to achieve the most impact. Your input and
participation will be valuable as they make these recommendations to the
Board of Trustees.
Visit the annual plan grant portal [4] for more information about the
program, the FDC, or upcoming milestones. You can reach the FDC support
staff at FDCsupport на wikimedia.org.
*More about community review*: The APG proposal submission date is followed
by a 30-day open comment period, when anyone is invited to provide input on
and ask questions about a specific proposal on its discussion page.
Applicants are also expected to respond to input and questions during this
period, although they are not able to change the proposal form itself after
the submission date.
The FDC will review the discussion pages during their deliberations in May
as one of many inputs to the decision-making process. While anyone may
comment on proposals after the open comment period closes on 30 April, the
FDC may not be able to take comments made after this period into
consideration when reaching its decisions.
*How to review*: Please visit the community review page to view the
proposals being considered and follow the instructions. While the proposals
are only available in English, your comments can be in any language.
*Why your feedback matters*: We hope this open comment period will add to
an in-depth and robust review of each proposal, and help keep our
grantmaking transparent and collaborative. The FDC highly values feedback
and insights from the Wikimedia community in making its funding
Warm regards, and with thanks,
Katy Love
[2] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Grants:APG
[3] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Grants:APG/Funds_Dissemination_Committee
[4] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Grants:APG/Information
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