[Wikimedia-ua-announce] Fwd: [WMCEE-l] WMCEE Spring 2015 online meeting
Wikimedia Ukraine
director на wikimedia.in.ua
Пнд 26 Січ 2015 02:32:43 UTC
Усім привіт
У вівторок, із 11 до 14 години (Київський час) планується зустріч по скайпу
щодо CEE Spring
Мова про цей проект виникла під час CEE зустрічі у Києві
Лінк на меті: Wikimedia CEE Spring 2015
Робоча мова (як я розумію) англійська
Якщо від нас хтось зможе взяти участь - дайте знати, щоб обговорити можливі
важливі питання саме для нас. І напишіть потім у розсилку, щоб інші члени
ВМУА знали про результати зустрічі
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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Kaarel Vaidla <kaarel на wikimedia.ee>
Date: 2015-01-26 3:31 GMT+02:00
Subject: [WMCEE-l] WMCEE Spring 2015 online meeting
To: A list for Wikimedians from Central and Eastern Europe <
WMCEE-l на tools.wikimedia.pl>
Dear all,
I appreciate your input to the discussion and thank you for scouting
unclear areas of the project! As I have already proposed, it would be good
to carry out an online discussion. The created doodle poll
<http://doodle.com/4zaer3xs4wwzvsd9> has not served its purpose and it is
hard to appoint the most suitable discussion time based on that
information. Nevertheless, I think that *we should have a live discussion
before the end of the month* (i.e. this week), especially if we are to
begin with the competition *on the 1st of March*.
I have continued with developing the project page on meta
<https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_CEE_Spring_2015> (I also invite
others to contribute and thank everyone who is developing the article list
for their country!) and have also added a subsection dedicated to meetings
I have proposed a possible *agenda* for the online meeting:
1. Timeframe
2. Activity plan
3. Needs assessment
4. Risks assessment
5. Questions - answers
6. Next steps
Have I overlooked something important that is still missing in the agenda?
As to the *medium* to be used, have I understood correctly that *Skype* is
the preferred one? If this is the case I invite everyone interested in
attending the virtual meeting to add me as a contact. My username is
*misosoof* and I will try to connect everyone to the call. At the moment I
have proposed myself as the meeting moderator, but I am open to other and
especially better suggestions.
Now the hardest part - finding the best time for discussion. As I believe
that such meeting should be announced in advance, I do not think that
Monday will work as a meeting day. Doodle poll ended with Tuesday and at
the moment the best time for the meeting (according to the poll) seems to
be 12.00-15.00 EET (11.00-14.00 CET, 13.00-16.00 MSK, 14.00-17.00 AMT/AZT,
16.00-19.00 ALMT, 2.00-3.00 PST). What do you think of this? Is Tuesday a
suitable day for the meeting? Is the time suitable for possible
participants? Are people from USA also interested in participating in the
virtual meeting and should we find a more suitable time for them? If doodle
poll did not work, what are the other possible ways for finding out a
suitable meeting time for us?
I thank you once again for your kind attention and look forward to hearing
from you!
Best regards,
Kaarel Vaidla
Wikimedia Eesti
Executive director
WMCEE-l mailing list
WMCEE-l на tools.wikimedia.pl
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