[Translators-l] Please help translate message for cross-wiki search result A/B test [ca, pl, it]
Philippe Verdy
verdy_p at wanadoo.fr
Wed Nov 30 23:52:18 UTC 2016
I think that the 3 languages were chosen within the languages that the
current developers of the feature can understand, so that they can rapidly
work on the submitted feedbacks.
For Persian users, this would mean experimenting first in the English
Wikipedia, or in Meta where it could be tested as well, before going to add
some RTL languages (like Hebrew, Arabic and Persian) and fix some RTL
layout issues in the UI, and then add one of these RTL wikis for tests, and
then extending the test on Commons, and later on all wikis. Some languages
require additional developments because of their script, or because they
use local script variants (and need support for the Wikimedia
transliterator integrated on these wikis, such as Chinese, Kurdish or
2016-12-01 0:34 GMT+01:00 Deborah Tankersley <dtankersley at wikimedia.org>:
> Hello,
> We'd also like to run these tests on the Persian Wikipedia as well. :)
> Thanks!
> --
> deb tankersley
> irc: debt
> Product Manager, Discovery
> Wikimedia Foundation
> On Wed, Nov 30, 2016 at 1:54 PM, Chris Koerner <ckoerner at wikimedia.org>
> wrote:
>> Hello dear translators,
>> The search team at the Foundation would like to run a few tests on the
>> Catalan, Polish, and Italian Wikipedias. We'd like to let the communities
>> know our intent to run these tests, and a translated message for their
>> Village Pump is just the thing to start the conversation.
>> As always, your help is greatly appreciated.
>> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:CKoerner_(WMF)/Cross-
>> wiki_search_results_request
>> Yours,
>> Chris Koerner
>> Community Liaison - Discovery
>> Wikimedia Foundation
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