[Translators-l] Missing translations on Thanks and Echo extensions
Benoît Evellin (Trizek)
bevellin at wikimedia.org
Fri Nov 6 18:14:39 UTC 2015
Two translations missing on that group
messages, three in this group
Links are set on English, don't forget to switch to your language; you may
have more messages missing depending on your language.
Presentation models for eight extensions who deal with notifications are
going to be changed in a near future:
The five missing translations are the first:
That explains why you may have seen some messages in English on the
notifications panel on your wiki. We are going to communicate earlier on
these changes, in order to avoid this kind of problem.
Sorry for the inconvenience, and thanks a lot for your help! :)
Benoît Evellin (Trizek)
Community Liaison, Product
Wikimedia Foundation
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