[Translators-l] Notification (Echo) translations - major updates and changes
Nick Wilson (Quiddity)
nwilson at wikimedia.org
Wed Dec 30 20:58:02 UTC 2015
On Mon, Dec 28, 2015 at 11:10 PM, Amir E. Aharoni <
amir.aharoni at mail.huji.ac.il> wrote:
> Thanks a lot for this update and for curating the messages!
> A couple of questions:
> * Is there a plan to clarify the meaning of "alerts", "notifications" and
> "messages"? See https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T121627
Yes, I'll be requesting feedback on a related proposal, next week.
> * You mention "flyout" and "popup". If this is the same thing, can anybody
> please make the terminology uniform in the qqq documentation? One doesn't
> have to go through Gerrit for this. If you have a translatewiki account,
> just go to
> https://translatewiki.net/wiki/Special:Translate?filter=&action=proofread&language=qqq&group=ext-echo
> , click the relevant messages and fix them, and you can also use the search
> box at the top of the list to find the messages that include these words.
Ack. I've added these details to https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T110158
and will try to resolve the bikeshedding & inconsistency.
(Sidenote: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Naming_things is hard!)
> Thank you!
> --
> Amir Elisha Aharoni · אָמִיר אֱלִישָׁע אַהֲרוֹנִי
> http://aharoni.wordpress.com
> “We're living in pieces,
> I want to live in peace.” – T. Moore
> 2015-12-29 2:04 GMT+02:00 Nick Wilson (Quiddity) <nwilson at wikimedia.org>:
>> Hi all.
>> TL;DR: Please help update and complete the localization of the Echo
>> extension in your language(s). :-)
>> Note that almost all of these messages have had parameter changes (either
>> renumbered or meanings changed) for a few reasons.
>> https://translatewiki.net/w/i.php?title=Special:Translate&group=ext-echo&filter=!translated&action=translate
>> ----
>> Brief details:
>> Many of the notification messages are being updated or replaced at the
>> moment. This is part of the work that will make the existing notifications
>> clearer and more useful, by providing a more standard layout, including a
>> clear primary link, with extra links below. It will also reduce the number
>> of messages to be translated overall, by using the same messages in the
>> panel, the special page, and emails.[1] It is also in preparation for
>> cross-wiki notifications.[2]
>> Many of these changes will be deployed in the second week of January, a
>> few are already live, and a few will come in future weeks. I will bump this
>> thread, if there is another large batch.
>> Much thanks, for all that you do.
>> I hope you are having a great end of year, and I look forward to working
>> with you some more in 2016. Happy translating!
>> Quiddity / Nick Wilson
>> ----
>> Finally, Technical details, for those who are interested.
>> The major changes are:
>> * New Notification messages will no longer contain multiple links in the
>> main text.
>> Clicking the notification itself will go somewhere ("primary link";
>> already the case for most notifications) and some notifications will have a
>> set of links at the bottom ("secondary links"; a few already have one). Any
>> links that were previously in the notification text will be moved to a
>> secondary link, if they weren't already redundant with the primary link.
>> * Localization gender support has been added to many messages.
>> All the new notification messages take parameters for the agent (the user
>> that caused the notification) as $1 and $2, with $1 being the formatted
>> user name and $2 being the user name for {{GENDER:}} purposes. (Technical
>> footnote: this is done so that if the user name is oversighted, we can set
>> $1 to <span class="make-this-gray-and-struck-out">(user hidden)</span> or
>> similar.)
>> Additionally, mention-related messages now take a parameter for the
>> gender of the recipient (the user viewing the notification); with this,
>> these messages can now be gendered correctly in e.g. French ("Nick vous a
>> remercié pour X" for male viewers and "Nick vous a remerciée pour X" for
>> female viewers). We did already provide the gender of the agent (the user
>> causing the notification), which was sufficient for some other languages
>> (e.g. Hebrew). (phab:T119321)
>> * [1] We will significantly reduce the number of messages, by not using
>> different messages for each of the notification panel (aka.
>> "flyout"/"popup"), the notification page (Special:Notifications), and
>> emails. The panel and the special page have already been converted, emails
>> have not yet been. Once this conversion is done, all three will use the
>> same messages. This will reduce inconsistencies between these three
>> channels, and reduce the maintenance burden on translators. Some redundant
>> messages have already been removed, some are unused but have not yet been
>> removed, and some are still used by the email formatter for now.
>> [2] https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T114350
>> --
>> Nick Wilson (Quiddity)
>> Community Liaison
>> Wikimedia Foundation
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Nick Wilson (Quiddity)
Community Liaison
Wikimedia Foundation
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