[Translators-l] Tech/News translations title
seb35wikipedia at gmail.com
Mon Feb 10 18:21:30 UTC 2014
With MassMessage, the wikicode is executed on the target wiki, not on
Meta. So there is no chance the pages Translations:Tech/News/2014/07/Page
display title/* exist on the target wiki; the translations have to be
imported in a way or another on the target wikis.
~ Seb35
Le Sun, 09 Feb 2014 21:31:44 +0100, Philippe Verdy <verdy_p at wanadoo.fr> a
> I do not see the interest of duplicating the existing title already in
> the
> Translate: namespace into a separately translatable template (which will
> also recreate an entry for the translated item, so the item will be
> tripled
> !
> Why don't you just test and use the existing Page title item which is
> directly in the Translations: namespace ?
> Post the mass message with title (French version tested here):
> [[m:Special:MyLanguage/Tech/News/2014/07|{{subst:#ifexist:Translations:Tech/News/2014/07/Page
> display title/fr|{{Translations:Tech/News/2014/07/Page display
> title/fr}}|Tech News: 2014-W07}}
> Note that you could even create a template that uses TNT to get the
> translated title:
> {{TNT|Translations:Tech/News/2014/07/Page display title}}
> TNT by default uses the language detected in the content of the current
> page (independantly of user's preference) ; to use the user
> preferred/selectedlanguage (like Special:MyLanguage/) you can pass the
> parameter "uselang={{uselang}}", e.g.
> {{TNT|Translations:Tech/News/2014/07/Page display
> title|uselang={{uselang}}}}
> 2014-02-08 12:36 GMT+01:00 Seb35 <seb35wikipedia at gmail.com>:
>> A proposition:
>> 1/ Translate on Meta the message "Tech News: {{{1}}}-{{{2}}}" (anywhere,
>> for instance in Template:Tech header)
>> 2/ Replicate by bot or by hand this message on each language wiki (WP,
>> WS,
>> etc.) into a template {{Tech News title}} containing the corresponding
>> translation of "Tech News: {{{1}}}-{{{2}}}"
>> 3/ Post the mass message with title "[[m:Special:MyLanguage/Tech/
>> News/2014/07|{{subst:#ifexist:Template:Tech News title|{{subst:Tech News
>> title|2014|07}}|Tech News: 2014-07}}]]" (perfect tweet: 140 characters
>> :)
>> ~ Seb35
>> Le Sun, 02 Feb 2014 12:11:09 +0100, Guillaume Paumier <
>> gpaumier at wikimedia.org> a écrit :
>> On Sun, Feb 2, 2014 at 2:07 AM, Philippe Verdy <verdy_p at wanadoo.fr>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Each translated page has a title which is accessible in the
>>>> Translations:
>>>> namespace, which uses the sub-id "Page display title" instead of the
>>>> numeric
>>>> id of a translation unit in the source page, just before hte language
>>>> code.
>>> Yes. the problem is not to access the translation, but to post it.
>>> When we were using EdwardsBot, we discussed the possibility of using a
>>> #switch for the title based on the wiki's {{CONTENTLANG}} (like we do
>>> for the message's body), but the limitation on the length of MediaWiki
>>> edit summaries prevented us from doing that.
>>> We're now using MassMessage, but that limitation remains. I've tried
>>> to include the title in the body (the downside being that there would
>>> be a blank edit summary), but MassMessage doesn't allow to send
>>> messages without a title.
>>> Which brings me back to: If someone has ideas about how to do it, I'm
>>> happy to try. :)
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