[Translators-l] Fwd: [Wikitech-ambassadors] Template sandbox - new feature to help you improve & make templates
Philippe Verdy
verdy_p at wanadoo.fr
Fri Nov 30 11:02:17 UTC 2012
In other words here here how it should appear in the edit form:
Modification de Template:Example
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Aperçu de la page avec ce modèle
2012/11/30 Philippe Verdy <verdy_p at wanadoo.fr>
> Note that I also tested using this link:
> http://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=Template:Example&action=edit&wpTemplateSandboxPage=x
> because wpTemplateSandboxPreview is the id and name of the HTML form
> field that is submitted by the Preview button in the sandbox subform.
> But this does not work: it has no effect with action=edit or action=submit.
> In my opinion the two Preview buttons should be only one, they are
> confusing. Just a single editable field containing the name of the preview
> page would be enough, and it should be prefilled in all cases (at least
> with the full name of the currently edited page).
> 2012/11/30 Philippe Verdy <verdy_p at wanadoo.fr>
>> Well, I just notice now this integration, but I regret that the test
>> subform is BELOW the Publish/View modifications/Preview buttons. It should
>> be ABOVE them (and may be even before the Edit comment field, which is for
>> the Publish button) to make sure that people see it.
>> And I don't know how to prefill the name of the test page directly from
>> the edit link. As well, this test subform field remains empty : it should
>> be prefilled by default with the name of the edited page (to simplify the
>> action of appending the name of a "/test" subpage) : if I manually enter
>> "x" in this empty field and press the "Preview test page" button, that "x"
>> does not appear as a GET parameter in the URL displayed in the navigator
>> address bar: this "x" should appear here, along with the name of the edit
>> link parameter that allows prefilling the preview test page.
>> 2012/11/30 Philippe Verdy <verdy_p at wanadoo.fr>
>>> Will it be available immediately when editing ANY template, just by
>>> giving the name of a page using the template, and without having to go to a
>>> special page ?
>>> The idea would be that we could have just before the edit comment field
>>> a field that contains the name of a page to see, and that the "Preview"
>>> button will preview that page instead of just the template page itself.
>>> Then an edit link somewhere on a page could prefill that field with a
>>> test page name (with an edit parameter). Notably, in the Template space, it
>>> could be prefilled with the name of a "/test" subpage where it exists,
>>> otherwise it will continue to preview the main template page transcluding
>>> the /doc subpage containing the examples of usages (but generally these
>>> examples do not contain an extensive list of rendering tests for complex
>>> tests.
>>> E.g. of a normal edit link adding the test page in parameter:
>>> http://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=Template:Example&action=edit&testpage=Template:Example/test
>>> And to format the edit link using Wiki syntax :
>>> [{{FULLURL:Template:Example|action=edit|testpage=Template:Example/test
>>> edit]
>>> In other words, no need to visit a special page, but a full integration
>>> in the standard page edit form (independantly of whever the edited page is
>>> in the Template namespace or not), using the specified (or manually
>>> entered) test page directly with the Preview button.
>>> When editing an article in the main namespace, or a talk page, with the
>>> top "Edit" tab, no testpage would be prefilled but the testpage field would
>>> be there at the bottom of the edit form, where one could still manually
>>> enter the name of a test page (its default value would be the edited page
>>> itself, to make easy to append the name of a subpage).
>>> When this form field is erased or contains the name of an inexistant
>>> page, its value would be replaced by the name of the currently edited page
>>> and the Preview page would refill that field and the preview page would
>>> also indicate the name of the test page it uses for rendering the preview
>>> (it should also say to the user with a warning that the name of the test
>>> page does not exist, before displaying the rest of the rendered testpage).
>>> As well, when using the edit links above, if they don't specify the name
>>> of the testpage, or if they specify an inexistant page, the same warning
>>> would be displayed before the edit form, and the form would still be
>>> prefilled automatically with the name of the edited page as the default
>>> name of the test page.
>>> So there's no need for a special page. The name of a test page would be
>>> present in all edit forms from any page in any namespace.
>>> 2012/11/30 Paul Selitskas <p.selitskas at gmail.com>
>>>> TemplateSandbox will go live soon!
>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>> From: Sumana Harihareswara <sumanah at wikimedia.org>
>>>> Date: Fri, Nov 30, 2012 at 1:51 AM
>>>> Subject: Re: [Wikitech-ambassadors] Template sandbox - new feature to
>>>> help you improve & make templates
>>>> To: Coordination of technology deployments across languages/projects <
>>>> wikitech-ambassadors at lists.wikimedia.org>
>>>> Update: I see that TemplateSandbox is now LIVE on Meta, Commons, and
>>>> the other non-Wikipedia WMF wikis! It'll be going live to English
>>>> Wikipedia on Monday 3 December and all other Wikipedias on Wednesday 5
>>>> December. Sorry for wrongly saying that it wasn't going live on most
>>>> WMF sites yet.
>>>> It'd be great if you could help by translating TemplateSandbox on
>>>> translatewiki
>>>> https://translatewiki.net/w/i.php?title=Special%3ATranslate&taction=translate&group=ext-templatesandbox&language=ru&limit=100&task=untranslated
>>>> and by spreading the word about this new feature to template editors
>>>> in your community. Thanks!
>>>> Sumana Harihareswara
>>>> Engineering Community Manager
>>>> Wikimedia Foundation
>>>> On Wed, Nov 28, 2012 at 8:34 PM, Sumana Harihareswara
>>>> <sumanah at wikimedia.org> wrote:
>>>> > "TemplateSandbox" lets you preview a page with a change in a template
>>>> it
>>>> > uses.
>>>> >
>>>> > At the bottom of the edit form in the Template and Module namespaces,
>>>> a
>>>> > new box will appear that allows you to preview other pages as they
>>>> would
>>>> > appear if you saved the template/module you are currently editing.
>>>> > Example: try editing the sample "thank-you" template
>>>> > https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Template:Thankyou . On the edit form,
>>>> > under the Save button, you'll see "Preview page with this template" --
>>>> > try User_talk:Example_user .
>>>> >
>>>> > Or, go to
>>>> >
>>>> > https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:TemplateSandbox
>>>> >
>>>> > and give it the "sandbox prefix" User:Sharihareswara (WMF)/sandbox and
>>>> > tell it to "render page" User_talk:Example_user . You'll see the ugly
>>>> > changes I made to the template in my sandbox.
>>>> >
>>>> > More information at
>>>> > https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:VPT#New_feature_needs_testing.
>>>> > You can check this out in the new version of MediaWiki, now live on
>>>> > mediawiki.org, but until we have more feedback and improvements we
>>>> > aren't pushing it live on the other sites.
>>>> >
>>>> > We figure this will make it easier for people to hack on templates,
>>>> and
>>>> > to develop new Lua templates to replace wikitext templates.
>>>> >
>>>> > --
>>>> > Sumana Harihareswara
>>>> > Engineering Community Manager
>>>> > Wikimedia Foundation
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>>>> --
>>>> З павагай,
>>>> Павел Селіцкас/Pavel Selitskas
>>>> Wizardist @ Wikimedia projects
>>>> p.selitskas at gmail.com, +375257408304
>>>> Skype: p.selitskas
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