[Translators-l] Wikipedia Editors Survey 2011
vassia atanassova
vassia.atanassova at gmail.com
Sun Mar 13 21:06:21 UTC 2011
Hm, it wasnt so obvious to me, before you explained it :D ... Maybe you're
right though I'm still feeling that misinterpretation may occur and
separating the question would yield clearer results (and eventually bring
more information, helpful for the survey). Or maybe it;s because of my
sleepiness in this time of the night (UTC+2)... Thanks anyway!
2011/3/13 Jon Harald Søby <jhsoby at gmail.com>
> 2011/3/13 vassia atanassova <vassia.atanassova at gmail.com>
>> Hello everybody!
>> I'm translating the survey to Bulgarian and I reached question Q3, which I
>> believe needs clarification, especially considering the preceding questions.
>> *Q3. What is your user access level? (Please choose all that apply) *
>> Having asked the editor to first list ALL applicable versions of Wikipedia
>> where they contribute, and then the ONE where they contribute primarily, its
>> obscure then which of both aspects does Q3 exactly refer to. For instance, I
>> may contribute to both Bulgarian and English Wikipedia (Bulgarian being the
>> primary one) and I may have a basic account on the English WP, while being a
>> sysop on Bulgarian WP. Then, how am I supposed to answer the question? :)
>> Hence, the question should either stipulate that the answer is given for
>> the *primarily edited *version of Wikipedia, OR it shall allow the user
>> to provide their * maximal *user access level ever reached. I think both
>> answers would be helpful for the survey, or even one of them, as long as all
>> users understand the question uniformly.
>> I've posted this question on the talk page
>> http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Talk:Wikipedia_Editors_Survey_2011/Translation#Q3_needs_clarification
>> but I decided that it may be a good idea to post it here too, considering
>> some translations have already been completed, while this issue may trigger
>> rewording of the original...
>> Best wishes!
>> Vassia
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> See the second part of the question: *(Please choose all that apply)*
> There shouldn't be much room for misinterpretation there. "All that apply"
> means you shold check all the access levels you have, regardless of whether
> they are on your primary project or not.
> --
> Jon Harald Søby
> http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Jon_Harald_S%C3%B8by
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