[Translators-l] Please test the Second 2011 Editor Survey
Yusuke Matsubara
whym at whym.org
Fri Dec 9 08:27:19 UTC 2011
Hi Ayush and Mani,
I appreciate your decision to give the time for further improvements.
I will be working on proofreading/improving the Japanese translation
and spreading the word to other translators.
Yusuke / [[User:Whym]]
2011/12/9 Ayush Khanna <akhanna at wikimedia.org>:
> Hello everyone,
> Thanks a lot for the feedback. We have included all the translation-related
> changes for most of the languages. The survey is now live on the Arabic,
> German, Spanish, French, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Portuguese,
> Russian, Chinese (Simplified) and Chinese Traditional. English will launch
> on Monday, as I mentioned earlier.
> For Catalan, Serbo-Croatian, Japanese and Croatian, we will go live early
> next week, so that we have enough time to incorporate changes. I will share
> updated versions of these as soon as they are ready.
> Thanks.
> Ayush Khanna
> Data Analyst, Global Development
> Wikimedia Foundation
> 415.839.6885 x6805
> On Thu, Dec 8, 2011 at 3:24 PM, Damokos Bence <damokos.bence at wiki.media.hu>
> wrote:
>> On Thu, Dec 8, 2011 at 9:54 PM, Ayush Khanna <akhanna at wikimedia.org>
>> wrote:
>>> Tisza, thanks for your diligence.
>>> Could you provide me with the correct translation for Q35b: "On a 0-10
>>> scale with 0 being NOT AT ALL GOOD and 10 being EXTREMELY GOOD, how would
>>> you rate the performance of Wikimedia volunteers overall, in contributing to
>>> the Wikimedia movement?"
>> Hi Ayush,
>> according
>> to http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Research:Wikipedia_Editors_Survey_November_2011/hu Q35b
>> should be translated as "0-10-es skálán (0: EGYÁLTALÁN NEM JÓ, 10: RENDKÍVÜL
>> JÓ) hogyan értékelnéd a többi önkéntes közreműködését a Wikimédia
>> mozgalomban?" and that is a good translation (I guess it was left out by
>> mistake and not because the translation was missing).
>> Best regards,
>> Bence Damokos
>> --
>> Damokos Bence
>> ügyvezető alelnök,
>> Wikimédia Magyarország
>> http://wikimedia.hu
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