[Translators-l] Reminder on the urgent Jimmy ATTN zh, mk and sv translators
James Alexander
jalexander at wikimedia.org
Sun Dec 19 04:40:57 UTC 2010
Hey Whym!
Sorry for the slow response I updated the published banner translations a couple hours ago shortly after your email and so should be good! I do However need some help if possible from anyone:
Sv and mk were published but don't have banner translations (this isn't your fault I added it late you probably translated before I did)
The 2 published zh translations (zh-hant and zh-hans) have it separated into only 2 lines. It would be much better because of banner size to have it on 3 lines. If this is necessary because if of the language I'll create a special banner but if someone could help me on where to break that 2nd line that would be great!
Sent from my iPhone
On Dec 18, 2010, at 8:25 PM, whym <whym at livedoor.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I noticed on some wikis, the prepared translations of "Please read: An
> urgent appeal ..." is unused in the centralnotice, showing the
> original English text.
> I confirmed (at least) 'ja', 'zh-hant' and 'zh-hans' have this
> problem. Only the banner text is shown in English, the button and the
> letter are localized. Purging the cache doesn't change the situation.
> Could you fix it?
> We'd be happy to get all the prepared translations to appear.
> Thanks,
> Whym
> On Fri, Dec 17, 2010 at 2:33 PM, Philippe Beaudette
> <pbeaudette at wikimedia.org> wrote:
>> Just a gentle reminder: we have an appeal from Jimmy up
>> at http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Fundraising_2010/Translation . This one
>> will be pushed out to all wikis, so we really need it localized as much as
>> possible, please... any help you can give is gratefully appreciated.
>> pb
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