[Translators-l] Reminder on the urgent Jimmy
pbeaudette at wikimedia.org
Fri Dec 17 17:04:49 UTC 2010
No, this is incorrect. We will publish every translation, just as we have for every appeal. We have no preference for chapter languages.
In some areas chapters refuse to do the same, but the Wmf will publish every translation we are given, as we have all year.
Philippe Beaudette
Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless Phone, please understand any misspellings or errors.
----- Reply message -----
From: "Michael Wolf" <milupo at sorbzilla.de>
Date: Fri, Dec 17, 2010 4:38 am
Subject: [Translators-l] Reminder on the urgent Jimmy
To: "Wikimedia Translators" <translators-l at lists.wikimedia.org>
Philippe Beaudette napisa:
> Just a gentle reminder: we have an appeal from Jimmy up at
> http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Fundraising_2010/Translation . This
> one will be pushed out to all wikis, so we really need it localized
> as much as possible, please... any help you can give is gratefully
> appreciated.
On all wikis? Maybe. But I'm sure, not in all languages. I suppose that
translations into minority languages will be ignored since the language
version of the country chapter is preferred by you. IMHO translating
appeals to minority languages will be waste of time.
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