[Translators-l] 2008 board election translations: start
Maria Fanucchi
marialadouce at gmail.com
Mon Apr 28 18:01:41 UTC 2008
Thanks for your interest translating the board elections pages. :-)
Hmmm, it looks like no other Bahasa Melayu speakers have volunteered to
translate the board election pages, so you'll have to do the work alone
(though if you can find other translators willing to help, they'd be very
welcome as well, because even just proofreading speeds up the process of
publication considerably). The main translation page for the board elections
is at http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Board_elections/2008/Translation
Please don't hesitate to write to me again if needed.
[[User:Arria Belli]]
On 4/28/08, Kong Soon Lim <lim_kongsoon at yahoo.com.sg> wrote:
> Greetings and hi,
> I would like to volunteer to help in the translating works in Wikipedia. I
> am able to translate both Malay (ms) and English (en) language. I'm not too
> sure what should I do next.
> Anyway, thanks a lot for your help in advance and best regards,
> Lim Kong Soon
> [[User:Diagramma Della Verita]]
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> ----- Original Message ----
> From: Maria Fanucchi <marialadouce at gmail.com>
> To: Wikimedia Translators <translators-l at lists.wikimedia.org>
> Sent: Monday, 28 April 2008 8:00:54
> Subject: [Translators-l] 2008 board election translations: start
> This is just a short announcement to say that the translation of the 2008
> board election pages can now start:
> http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Board_elections/2008/Translation
> If you didn't volunteer when I was in recruitment mode weeks ago and would
> like to do so, please e-mail me and I'll put you in contact with other
> volunteers working in your language, if there are any. I would prefer no one
> wing it entirely solo (two heads are better than one, and if someone is
> absent for a while the other one can take over - you never know, after all).
> Please don't hesitate to e-mail me if the translation system is confusing
> and/or you find a bug. We think the current system is simple and easily
> understandable at a glance (three colors, three stages), though, so
> hopefully you will too, though we're open to suggestions.
> Cheers and happy editing,
> --Maria
> [[User:Arria Belli]]
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