[Translators-l] [Foundation-l] Translation Commitee's meeting report (2007/03)
aphaia at gmail.com
Mon Mar 12 06:33:36 UTC 2007
Hello all,
first Kudos to Christophe for his detailed reports and devout
engagement. Thanks.
On 3/12/07, Florence Devouard <Anthere9 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> Plenty of good stuff here. And in reading this specific part, I was
> wondering if you should not discuss this with Sandy as well so that it
> be part of the other reform she is working on for communication issues.
Yes, it will be nice for us all to have Sandy as participant to this
discussion. I expect she subscribes it, and let her idea in the next
week (she is now am 3 or 4 on Monday, I suppose).
> I do not know if it is a good idea to do a transwiki. It has positive
> and negative sides. On the positive, it will be probably much easier for
> you to organise. On the other hand, less visibility to recruit new
> volunteers. Dunno.
Yes, there are both bright side and dark side. Through the discussion
on translations-l, however we found several points we want to improve.
They will be reflected to the ongoing reconstruction of
[[m:Translation requests]].
Since there are already a lengthy thread on translations-l, I expect
all of you follow the thread on translation-l for readers'
KIZU Naoko
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