[Mediawiki-i18n] Shrinking level of MediaWiki extensions localisation

Federico Leva (Nemo) nemowiki at gmail.com
Mon Jun 24 22:06:54 UTC 2013

Most of our messages are in MediaWiki extensions. I checked the 
localisation stats as of now and two years ago for the extensions used 
on Wikimedia projects: many languages are lagging behind development, 
with only 14 over 90 % translated (was 40) and 22 over 80 % (was 52).*
Do we need more recruitment?
Some examples of affected languages: Russian went from 100 % to 80 % 
messages translated, pl 98 -> 80, pt 100 -> 64, hu 94 -> 67, nb 94 -> 
72, cs 93 -> 77, ar 92 -> 64.


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