[Mediawiki-i18n] Changing MediaWiki namespaces and testing the new CLDR user interface

Gerard Meijssen gerard.meijssen at gmail.com
Sun Mar 25 10:31:51 UTC 2012

There are two things I want to raise in this mail: MediaWiki namespaces and
the new user interface of the CLDR. Both are extremely relevant because
both influence the behaviour of the MediaWiki software. Both have a
tendency to take a long time before the effect of changes become available.
It is therefore important to us to give this proper attention and inform
you about this.

*MediaWiki namespaces*
the Wikimedia developers are transitioning to a different code repository
system. They are changing from SVN to GIT. As one of the results a lot of
things are getting reviewed. Included is a list of changes that will change
the names of MediaWiki namespaces. As you may know changing namespaces is
different from changing MediaWiki messages as it is a change in the
configuration of the software. It is one of those things that is done with
a lot of care.

The objective of pointing this out is two-fold. When one of the languages
below is the language you champion, we do want you to verify it and let us
know if this is what is agreed upon by your community. For some languages
this may be problematic as they are working towards their first project.
The second point is that you may want to have a look at the localisation of
the namespaces. Possibly they need changing, possibly they still need to be
done. Of relevance is that we do support gender for namespaces it is
possible to indicate both male and female users.

 - Franco-Provençal
Runa Shimi
Waray Waray

We are going to ask on the wikis for confirmation as well and we are
looking for positive feedback by April 5th.

*The CLDR user interface*
The CLDR or the Common Locale Data Repository is where basic and not so
basic information is gathered about languages in a standard. We use this
information in the MediaWiki software and we rely on it. We do not like to
override any values of this standard. Sometimes we have no choice when the
CLDR does not have information on one of the languages we support. Once the
CLDR does have data our local information is removed.

The CLDR works with periods where they welcome input from the world. *The
next period starts on April 4*.

At this moment they are asking for comments on the improved user interface
of their data collection software. They want to know and we want to know
what you think of it. If it works for you, if you can find any bugs. This
means that you can test-drive the application and learn to use it as well
as find any issues with it. I have copied the invitation to the CLDR Survey
Took Beta below.

Enjoy and let us know your experiences.


Unicode CLDR Survey Tool Beta March 21, 2012 — The Unicode
CLDR<http://cldr.unicode.org/>Survey Tool is open for beta testing
CLDR provides key building blocks for software to support the world's
languages, with the largest and most extensive standard repository of
locale data available. The survey tool is an online tool used by
organizations and individuals to contribute data to this repository, and to
vote on alternative contributions.

The survey tool has undergone substantial revision, with dramatic
improvements in performance and usability. We would appreciate people
trying out the tool so that we can identify any remaining problems before
we start data submission (currently scheduled for April 4). For more
information, see http://goo.gl/7M1IG.




How you can help<https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&view=bsp&ver=ohhl4rw8mbn4#136392b30c40a172_136376a190c94084_How_you_can_help>

Known issues<https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&view=bsp&ver=ohhl4rw8mbn4#136392b30c40a172_136376a190c94084_Known_issues>

What changed?<https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&view=bsp&ver=ohhl4rw8mbn4#136392b30c40a172_136376a190c94084_What_changed>

   1. Production Survey Tool <http://st.unicode.org/cldr-apps/survey>. If
   you have an existing survey tool account, you can go to the production tool
   at Production Survey Tool <http://st.unicode.org/cldr-apps/survey>.
   2. Smoke-Test Survey
   If you don’t have an account, you can still try out the survey tool using
   the Smoke Test version. It will create a test account automatically.

So that you can try out the tool as you wish, none of the data you enter
during beta is saved.

The Smoke Test tool may be restarted at any time, because it used for
development. If you get disconnected when this happens, then refresh your
browser: all of your changes should be saved.
Guide If you haven’t used the survey tool before, you may want to take a
quick look at:

   1. http://cldr.unicode.org/index/survey-tool/guide
   2. http://cldr.unicode.org/index/survey-tool/walkthrough

This documentation should be updated in the next few days for some of the
changes in UI.
How you can help Visit and randomly vote and enter changes.

   1. Pick your favorite locale
   2. Visit different Sections of the locale (Code Lists, etc), and
   different pages in the Section.

   1. Vote for different choices (including Proposed, Others, Abstain)
   2. Change a value (Change column)
   3. Try zooming on different columns (clicking on the following cells)
      1. St (status, eg error/alert)
      2. Draft (the approval status)
      3. Voted (the voting status)
      4. Proposed / Others (particular values)
      5. (Clicking on Code shows some internals, not really user-focused
   4. Reset your Coverage Level (at the top). (This changes how many items

   1. Verify that data was accepted, or is rejected (appropriately) because
   of an error.
   2. Periodically, refresh the entire page you are on and verify that
   items previously added remain visible.
   3. Report any new issues at http://unicode.org/cldr/trac/newticket.
   (Skip those below). Please include the URL to the page where you found the

Known issues Please read these over so you know what to skip:

   1. Use FireFox/Safari/Chrome, not IE 8 or other browsers.
   2. Some locales, such as English (en), are read-only.
   3. Do not post comments in the ‘forums’ or try “Show Coverage”
   4. Some generated examples use English instead of the local language, or
   the wrong currency.
   5. The information in the “Code” column will be simplified during the
   beta process; some rows will move to different sections or pages.
   6. There will be a bookmark on each row, for reference.
   7. Other items may be added to this list during the beta period

What changed?

   1. Page access is 10-30 times faster, depending on the operation.
   2. Items are submitted individually (with Return/Enter), instead of
   having to submit a whole page.
   3. Pages are not broken up into multiple subpages, simplifying
   4. Errors and Warnings appear when you submit an item.
   5. There is no “zoom” window; instead, zooming is in-place, with
   separate versions depending on what part of a row you click on.
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