[Mediawiki-i18n] Report on WebFonts deployment

Platonides platonides at gmail.com
Wed Dec 14 22:08:38 UTC 2011

On 14/12/11 22:33, Srikanth Lakshmanan wrote:
> Language support teams :- I know that there was very little support from
> the community, (not many,baring us the critics who gave feedback). I
> have been hearing the word "Language support teams" for few months now.
> If people are not interested to join them, they must be forced to join
> them(by way of not supporting them/ deploying any component for the
> language) so as to provide better support.

In order to force them, "if you don't test this it may break horribly
for you when deployed" seems way more convincing than "no new goodies
for you".

Development must continue even if ignored (do not confuse with negative
feedback), but blind coding without feedback is a dangerous zone.

> PS: I understand the criticism might have come hard on the India list,
> but we(critics) are getting used to a pattern beyond Webfonts. We alert
> of something dangerous on the cards, People(mostly WMF) tend to ignore
> us, Then they "firefight" and then we criticize more post the entire
> thing, "you would have been better had you to listened us". This has
> happened 3rd time on row now, other 2 being Protest against Jimbo at
> WikiConference India &  IEP. I hope sooner, people take us seriously.

It's not that Indian sites are treated worse, see the recent (similar)
issues in commons with EXIF.

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