[Mediawiki-i18n] Updates to MessageEn.php up to r22091

Ivan Lanin ivanlanin at gmail.com
Fri May 11 02:06:54 UTC 2007

Updates to MessagesEn.php up to r22091

== Added ==

* ipblocklist-empty: splitted from ipblocklistempty
* ipblocklist-no-results: same as above

== Changed ==

* viewcount
* revdelete-logaction
* logdelete-logaction
* diff-multi
* imagelisttext
* undeletedrevisions
* undeletedrevisions-files
* undeletedfiles
* ipaddress
* ipadressorusername
* ipbexpiry
* ipbreason
* ipbother
* ipbotherreason

== Deleted ==

* ipblocklistempty: splitted into ipblocklist-empty and ipblocklist-no-results

HTH, Ivan Lanin

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