[Mediawiki-i18n] [Foundation-l] MediaWiki i18n "call to arms"
helix84 at centrum.sk
Mon Apr 2 16:03:16 UTC 2007
> Would it not be useful to have some kind of annotated list of system messages?
> eg
> 1. Message name
> 2. English contents
> especially important, these two:
> 3. When/where does the user see this?
> 4. Type of message (interface, explanation, warning, link text, link
> target, ...?)
> and maybe
> 5. How important is this to be translated?
This has been discussed before. See
> > Because of this problem, Siebrand suggested Use case descriptions
> > http://nike.users.idler.fi/betawiki/User:Siebrand#Use_case_descriptions
> > They're now available for many (though not all) messages on Betawiki.
> >
> > ~~helix84
> Perhaps the developers, who introduce or change those messages, should > > document
> their use. They should be in the position to do this accurately and
> effectively. Those use case descriptions are nice, but most messages, which
> need them, don't have them.
> Slomox
> Marcus Buck
Use case descriptions have been used on Betawiki before, but were
disabled lately. Nike, can you say something about this?
Sidenote about selecting messages by importance by frequency of their
translation: Consider, that a lot of messages are not translated
because they're new, not because they're not important. IMHO
assingning messages importance will have to be done manually.
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