[Mediawiki-i18n] loginlanguagelinks implementattion

Gerard Meijssen gerard.meijssen at gmail.com
Fri Jun 23 13:33:39 UTC 2006

Rob Church wrote:
> On 23/06/06, Gerard Meijssen <gerard.meijssen at gmail.com> wrote:
>> How would you select out of the possible 10.000 languages when you have
>> an application where all these languages are there to be used like in
>> http://wiktionaryz.org ?
> As I said, the site administrator(s) would select the language based
> on the most popular languages their visitors use. The solution is
> *not* optimal for sites which are massively multilingual, i.e. Commons
> might cope, WiktionaryZ might not. Hence the "I may improve this" bit.
> Rob Church
The English Wikipedia allows for people to use their user interface. I 
wonder how many people on the en.wikipedia have a user interface that is 
not English.. also having an understandable User Interface helps when 
you try to understand an unfamiliar language.. The question therefore is 
obvious, what criteria to choose to discriminate against a language ? 
Particularly as the "less popular" languages may have people that have a 
poor understanding of English making a familiar user interface more 

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