[Mediawiki-i18n] Translating extensions I'vewritten...forthcoming changes

Rob Church robchur at gmail.com
Tue Dec 5 21:05:01 UTC 2006

On 05/12/06, Berto 'd Sera <albertoserra at ukr.net> wrote:
> Well, many translators DO use Betawiki. Personally, I will not use anything
> that is out of it, just because making a double development path would be
> absolutely anti-economical, sorry :) I hope we will try and keep a
> consistent and consolidated way to address problems, instead of growing a
> jungle of conflicting standards. A lot of languages are short with
> translators "as it is", why should we make this lack even worse? Pls, use
> Betawiki. But then maybe you just meant you do not know how to use it, did
> you?

I don't even understand what the original request *meant*. I explained
above that I was going to make it possible to translate extensions
I've written. I'm out of touch with the current uses of Betawiki with
respect to how you people generate the messages, but to be honest,
that isn't really my end of things...it's up to the i18n team, as I
fondly think of all our volunteers, to decide how they want to work.

Rob Church

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