[Mediawiki-i18n] Translating extensions I've written...forthcoming changes

Gerard Meijssen gerard.meijssen at gmail.com
Tue Dec 5 17:47:05 UTC 2006

Will these messages be available at the Beta-wiki ?

Rob Church schreef:
> Within the next fortnight, I plan to commit a set of changes which
> will allow the multiple-language internationalisation of extensions
> I've written, including:
> * BadImage
> * GiveRollback
> * Makebot
> * NewestPages
> * Patroller
> * ProfileMonitor
> * UsernameBlacklist
> It's quite simple to provide a translation for these; reading one of
> the .i18n files will make it quite clear how. I use the same base
> mechanism as other translated extensions, but with trivial differences
> in how the translations are read out before feeding them into
> MediaWiki; this allows me to keep most of the extensions backwards
> compatible, where appropriate, which was one reason I didn't like the
> method that's been used before.
> You are, of course, quite welcome (and encouraged) to provide
> translations for these extensions, and to post patches on BugZilla or
> pester an existing committer to add them.
> If I change the semantics or handling of a message in English during
> an update, or I change, e.g. the parameters passed to it in an
> incompatible manner, then I'll comment out the translations. This will
> cause the fallback language to be used so that the code continues to
> *work*, but to be honest, I don't envision making huge changes to
> existing extension code; I'm more likely to *add* something.
> Cheers,
> Rob Church

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